Bulk SMS service in Nigeria
Messaging software is just a utility application. It is useful for creating and disseminating text messages to multiple contacts either from a mobile device or a personal computer. This software helps a company to get in touch with its customers directly. The primary use of this software is to keep the customers informed of the latest happenings in the company that they are concerned with such as the latest upgrades and launches. With mobile being almost omnipresent on the earth, ad message sent from the company is certain to reach a wide range of customers throughout the world in time.
Cheap bulk SMS
Now lets see, how web content becomes accessible as a SMS in a mobile? This is done by an application known as the SMS gateway. The SMS gateway application delivers web content to mobile users through messages or short codes. This application connects an SMSC at one end and web application on the other end and acts as a gateway throughout. It uses the feature of two-way text messaging.
SMS Marketing
The functioning of the SMS service is completely dependent on the gateway used because it is the application which interacts between the web content and the SMSC. It helps to send text messages from a personal computer to a mobile and vice versa. Selecting the characters offered is also an important criteria and having 160 characters with concatenation is absolutely necessary.
Since, the software is used to bulk amount of SMS to thousands of people it is known as bulk SMS software. It can be accessed with a minimal service fee and it is often provided by SMS service providers. It has immensely benefited mostly small and medium scale companies in increasing their customer base within their budget. Sending multiple SMS to customers has helped small scale companies to build a stronger customer relationship.
Bulk SMS marketing strategy has brought about a change in the strategic outlook of online marketing with new businesses and companies looking forward to mobile or SMS marketing. As the demand for SMS marketing is increasing at a steep rate, SMS service providers are also emerging in large numbers to satisfy the expectation of the companies and entrepreneurs.
SMS marketing is an upcoming phenomenon and companies not adopting it are sure to lag behind in this intensely competitive field of marketing. With increasing mobile users, the strategy of marketing through bulk SMS is here to stay.

SMS of birthday
The growth of a business is directly related to how good the product is marketed. There are several practices followed for the promotion as well as publicity of the product, the advertisements in visual media, newspapers, radio, banners, hoardings and announcements are the commonly followed practices for marketing a product. The overall aim of all these is to make an awareness of the product in the mind of customer. The product of the company gets polished through an advertisement. People will become aware about the features and advantages of the product through an advertisement. A good advertisement can always create more customers to the product. This is the reason behind the establishment of professional advertisement companies all over the world.
Birthdays wishes
The invention and spread of mobile technology made people more social and communication more personal. Thus the mobile phone number of a person has become his address at which he can be reached at the time. The marketing SMS and calls are now a common thing everywhere. The SMS is having the direct reach to the customer. It won't disturb him as the phone calls and he can read the SMS in detail anytime. These features of sms had made it a very popular tool of marketing.
In India many business firms and manufactures are using SMS to market their products to a wide range of customers. The technology of mobile, computer and internet are utilized together to reach the whole targeted customers. The promotion of a product through Bulk SMS is effective when compared with other conventional mechanism. An SMS can convey the clear idea and it has the direct reach to the customer. There is no chance that he misses the advertisement. Even though SMS is effective, special bulk sms technologies need to be involved when it concerns a large number of recipients. The Bulk sms services ensure the reach of the message to the large number of recipients at a very low cost. This is the main feature that attracts many firm of India to us bulk sms to reach their customers.
SMS Africa charges
With the bulk SMS and short code services promotion as well as alerts regarding a product or company can be easily shared with a large number of people. The opinions and feed back of the recipients can also be tracked back. Tracking back the ideas of the customer is very essential in improving the business. This increases the popularity of bulk sms services. Bulk sms is an effective technology which is having direct reach to targeted recipients. The popularity of such services in India is increasing day by day. Fast sms as well as fast alerts are the new trends in advertisement field.

Currently, around 87% of the world's population have mobile phones and more than 2.12 Trillion text messages are sent every year. So, capitalizing on SMS marketing is one of the best ways to promote products and services worldwide.
Advanced SMS software have customizable features that lets the users to fix the delivery time of the messages. Customizable delivery time is a handy feature that helps marketers to reach potential customers at the right moments especially during weekends when customers might indulge in shopping.
In SMS software, you can add a maximum of 20 to 40 people's mobile number. They will be receiving the messages at one go and then you can send the same message to another set of 20 - 40 people. Sending bulk SMS to a large number of people at a time will save you plenty of time which you can utilize for focusing on your core business.
As SMS reaches the customers directly, it has a faster turnaround time than other marketing tools. Besides, SMS marketing campaigns are easy to manage and its progress can be analyzed within a short span of time as it reaches the customers quickly.
Bulk SMS
SMS marketing is cheaper than other marketing strategies such as telemarketing, internet marketing and direct marketing. Usually, bulk SMS users have to pay a small service fee for sending each SMS. Now, some SMS providers are also offering bulk SMS software for free to attract entrepreneurs.
Most often, promotional emails are not read by the customers and are marked as spam. However, nearly 95% of customers read SMS because SMS carry short text messages that easy to read and understand. As customers will be looking for discount offers while shopping, sending details about offers, dicount coupons, freebies and special offers through short text messages during weekends will grab the attention of customers. Moreover, customers might even subscribe to SMS alerts to get information about latest offers, services and products.
Bulk SMS Nigeria

As SMS is a reliable and cheap mode of communication, short message service is used in a wide range of sectors including educational institutions, hospitals, industries and IT sectors. Corporate companies are using short message service to send information about events, meetings and performance to the employees because bulk SMS saves a lot of time than sending individual messages to each employee.
Nowadays, the messaging system has changed completely as this software has made it easier for the people to send message with minimum effort. Using advanced SMS software, now users can send messages to even thousands of people in just a single click. As the software has easy to use interface even an inexperienced user can make use of it effectively.
Every business focuses heavily on their marketing department. It is the marketing department which brings those profits to the businesses. The marketing department carries different marketing activities. SMS marketing is one such technique used by many of the businesses. Bulk SMS marketing is comparatively cost effective. Easy to promote and advertising your product or services.
The cell phone is one such thing that every person carries with them without forgetting, along with their purse and vehicle. SMS marketing is now being widely used in the multi-channel marketing. The communication from mobile is also far easier, as compared to the other means. If you are looking for sending SMS in bulk, then you can get many options for as Bulk SMS Provider.
Here, we will look at how Bulk SMS can get Profits to Business:
1. Speed:
Every business tries to speed up their processes. The process of SMS marketing is comparatively very high. The messages can be easily delivered in a short span to the target audience. The speedy process will help you to keep you one step ahead in this highly competitive business world.
2. Short and best messages:
It is true that you can send a limited character limit message to your prospects. You may not be able to tell the description in detail, leading to avoiding that message many times by your prospects. However, the probability of reading short messages is very high, leading to more impact on the prospects. This will bring more sales and profits to the businesses.
3. Cost Effective:
Compared to the other traditional ways of marketing, cost wise sending bulk SMS has a greater advantage. This will cost you very less and you can send the messages to a larger number of people. You will experience a good return on the investments made in the SMS marketing.
4. Increase the customer engagement:
SMS helps tremendously in increasing the engagement of the customers. The customer engagement is an indicator of the fact the customers are more interested and eager to know your product or services.
5. Nice Return On Investment:
The businesses invest heavily in their marketing campaigns, with an expectation of getting more profits. As bulk SMS Service need less investment, the returns given are very fantastic, leading to the greater return on investment.
SMS Africa

These are some of the ways how bulk SMS service can get Profits to Business. Many of the businesses have been leveraging the benefits of this technique and increasing their profits. The SMS marketing is a very powerful, effective and efficient technique for bringing the profits to the businesses.
One more way of marketing in affordable cost is Email Marketing. for Email Marketing You need to have email lists.
With the help of email marketing, you are able to control exactly who is able to see your email. Before the conduction of email marketing, you need to select the best place to buy email lists.
We are living in an age where people are addicted to their mobile phones. It is estimated that over 70% of the world's population have a mobile phone. As the mobile phone users are increasing rapidly, most of the entrepreneurs have already started to use mobile as an effective marketing tool. As the dependence on mobile is growing rapidly, plenty of opportunities are emerging for entrepreneurs to reach potential customers quickly and effectively. SMS marketing today is one of the highly preferred medium for any promotional campaign.
As it is cheap and reliable, even multinational companies have started to use it for marketing purpose. When it's up to sms marketing, you need to choose sms service providers tactfully because only experienced service providers will be able to provide customized solutions as per your business needs. Nowadays, most of the service providers offer free bulk sms software to grab the attention of entrepreneurs and multinational companies. As the bulk sms software enables you to target your product to specific prospects, you need to choose advanced software that are easy to use and reliable. As the sms marketing is booming rapidly, different types of targeting techniques are used by entrepreneurs to reach the target audience. Some widely used targeting methods are listed below:
1. Geographic targeting: An expert service provider allows you to send your bulk sms to any state, region or area. You can even go to the extent of specifying the pin code of your target area. If your service is region specific sending nationwide sms is just a waste of time and money. So such geographic targeting ensures the maximum ROI for your SMS marketing campaign.
2. Psychographic targeting: This method ensures that the SMS you send reaches the customers only when they prefer to read it. For example if a customer is busy during weekdays and prefers to receive ad messages during weekends when he shops, then your message will reach him right on time.
3. Demographic targeting: Demographics are crucial aspects of any marketing campaign and this targeting is particularly useful for sms marketing. For example if your product is a face cream for 30+ age group women then your bulk sms will reach the desired audience through demographic targeting.
4. Mobiliographic Targeting: If your ad contains video or multimedia content it will be sent only to mobiles which support multimedia content.
5. Contextual Targeting: This type of targeting ensures your message accompanies a sms which is in context with your offering.
These are some effective targeting methods used widely in sms marketing campaign.
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